Definder - what does the word mean?

What is clabs?

Something that frederik mulvad is

Mulvad is one clabbed guy

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clabs - meme gif

clabs meme gif

clabs - video


Clabs - what is it?


That dude is such a CLAB....

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What does "clabs" mean?

Someone who is missing 17 chromosomes and 4 brain cells and is trying to find the will to live with the high school depression.

Dude look, Winston Churchill is being such a clab right now

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Clabs - what does it mean?

The most amazing thing in the world. Lea's Clab Restaurant.

*Reading a menu* Caeser Salad Clab....$Clab.
"Excuse me waitress, how much is clab worth?"
"Oh, now i get it."

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Clabs - meaning

When your shirtless back-fat slaps onto a hard floor, it’s makes a sound, that almost sounds like β€œclab” but with an odd French accent

I’m boutta clab on this bitch. My backfat sweatier than Darry faders face

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Clabs - definition

Another definition of a simp, used to describe an inferior human being.

Adam! You CLAB! I can’t believe your playing Fortnite!

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Clabs - slang

To describe an inferior human being, a little harsher than calling someone a simp.

Dammit Adam! You CLAB (πŸ†‘πŸ†Ž) ! Your playing Fortnite again!

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The possibly sober, daytime complement to clubbing, where it's instead a combination of going to class and working in a lab, be it chemistry, bio or archeaological.

I'm going clabbing today and clubbing tonight. Oh yeah!

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cry like a bitch

My boy broke down crying at the end of Titanic. I told him to man up and quit all that clabbin'.

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A term used for people with crab claws for hands.

Boy: dude, look at that crab boy

friend: wow, hes got CLABS!

boy: nice.

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