Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cibs?

To make lies up for fame and fortune, or just to be a dick.

I told a cib so that it would go on urban dictionary.

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cibs - meme gif

cibs meme gif

cibs - video


Cibs - what is it?

Acronym for (Chemical Imbalance Boy) often distructive with small balls and looks gay as shit

While on a rafting trip I encountered a CIB in my raft. He was asking for some Diggs.

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What does "cibs" mean?

Chronic Itchy Balls Syndrome: for boys
Chronic Itchy Boob Syndrom: for girls
Chronic Itchy Butt Syndrome: both

when a part of the body, such as your balls, itches like crazy and that's all you can think of, you have CIBS

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Cibs - what does it mean?

Acronym for Crotch Is Burning, used to describe feelings of lust for a male by a female.

Looks like Megan's got a total CIB for that guy.

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Cibs - meaning

(n) - a slang term for a single cigarette

(v) - the act of smoking a cigarette


Lou: Hey man you trying to go cib?

Dude: Man this is the fourth cib I've given you today!

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Cibs - definition

Cause im black?

dude 1: bro i heard you stole that guys phone!

dude 2: nigga! why?! CIB???!!!

dude 1: yes, partially.

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Cibs - slang

cib is an abbreviation of "cum in box", used as an inside joke by refunders when someone new asks for a method of refunding

Whats the Uber Eats method?

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"Click it Back"--in online poker, to make a minimum raise or reraise, often to feign strength. The phrase derives from having only to reclick the raise button (set by default to the minimum raise) without having to alter the bet size.

I had QJ HU oop on a 992 flop and fired a c-bet of $50. The nit raised it to $200, but I clicked it back (CiB) and he folded. He probably tossed QQ...typical ABC poker player.

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Complete in Box

I purchased that old nes game CIB

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1. A short way of saying ceebs
2. Cibs

Ahhh man, cibs explaining what it means.

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