Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chunky butt?

When you think you can trust a fart but a little shit comes out, then later get to the shitter to find yourself pissing out your ass

Foreman - β€œwhere the hell did you go?”
You - β€œsorry I almost shit myself and had to go to the bathroom and let loose a load of chunky butt piss”

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chunky butt - video


Chunky butt - what is it?

disgusting cellulite and fat which is found on a person's ass and thigh area, usually it is seen on fat/obese women at the beach wearing the teenyest bikinis, or sunbathing naked

damn, that bitch has got some crazy ass chunky waffle butt!! how do they let people like this on the beach? it makes me sick! hahaha

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What does "chunky butt" mean?

When a boy has a large, round badonk. Usually found in khakis a size too small. Other symptoms include threadbare moccasins, an American eagle polo, and a lanyard hanging out of the back pocket.

Carol: Have you seen Greg's global chunky butt?
Louise: Yeah! Way better than Jerry's string bean man behind!

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Chunky butt - what does it mean?

Diarrhea. That nasty, chunky brown water that comes out of your butt after a bout of the stomach flu or a lot of Mexican food.

I can't take any more of this chunky butt pee. that's the last time I eat at Ole Taco Joe's.

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Chunky butt - meaning

(1)A person with a butt of notable presence. Appears to be fun to grab and play with.

(2) A nickname for a cheeky person whose personality is full of unpredictable bits.

Hey, chunky butt, you look like you'd be a monk on the streets and a plumber in the sheets.

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Chunky butt - definition

Cute way of saying "Baby", often expressed to your Lover.

"Hey Chunky butt, How are you?"
"Who's my chunky butt?, Yes you are"

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Chunky butt - slang

A girl who has a little weight on her but not enough to call her fat.

That girl isn't big, she's more of a chunky butt.

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