Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chugg?

My fat cat

"Bubba chuggs don't lick the carpet"

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Chugg - what is it?

Used as slang for Chewing Gum being the amalgamation (joining up) of the two words. English Slang.

Would you like some Chugg?

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What does "chugg" mean?

A person(boy or girl) who is to much of a creeper/loner/loser to be called a whore. But is still a gross bitch/whore, but is too much of a loser to "get any" from anyone.

Eww. Janie is such a chugg!

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Chugg - what does it mean?

A thick, heavy, pudgy blob of goo, for example, when you eat a large meal then exersize, you feel the chugg in your stomach

I have a huge chugg in my stomach OR "dude, you see that chugg of dog poo?"

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Chugg - meaning

Cheap Uggs

UGGS inspired boots, usually gotten at Payless or Target.

"Mom, I want some new boots, and don't try to pass off those Target Chuggs as the real thang!"

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Chugg - definition

An alternative spelling of chugz meaning the subject (usually a female) is both ugly (uggs) and chubby or fat (chubbs)

Oh my god! My eyes burn she's so chuggs!

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Chugg - slang

The large jugs of a woman that is on the chubby side of things.

Man, that chick's got some chuggs!!

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A word deprived from the words chill and thug. Can be used by anyone to express a feel of relaxation.
Basically a simple way of answering the question "what's going on?" instead of saying "nothing much" - just say Chugg

1. Talib: Wassup?
Nas: Chugg how bout' you?

2. Izzi:Hey lil' mama, damn you a stunna. How you been?
Lela: Chugg. I missed ya.

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When hefty women wear Uggs and stretch them out to fit their cankles in

Robin got a new fresh pair of Uggs but after fitting her cankles in them they quickly became Chuggs

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When used as a proper noun, Chuggs refers to the name of God's roommate in the television show, Family Guy. This name is a common nickname you can use on almost all your friends just for the hell of it. Works especially well when they know where the name comes from.

"Sup Chuggs."

"Ok Chuggs, whatever you say."

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