Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chuckle head?

kneecaps mine now

person 1: say goodbye to your kneecaps chuckle head
person 2: ok *rips off kneecaps*

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chuckle head - video


Chuckle head - what is it?

noun: knuckle-head

a stupid person.

adjective: fucking

used to emphasize or express annoyance with someone or something.

noun: chuckle-head

a stupid person

Going opposing traffic with lights and sirens whilst the oncoming traffic does not pull to the right and stops directly in front of you with a deer and a head lights look.


👍29 👎19

What does "chuckle head" mean?

i have no clue what it means its another word made by karl jacobs (follow him on twitch on twitch dot tv slash karl jacobs"

you are a chuckle head

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Chuckle head - what does it mean?

An audience member for the Bill Maher HBO Show

Bill: laugh u chuckle heads

Audience: (in unison) hahahahahahah

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Chuckle head - meaning

Used by the man himself, given to me. We will cherish these lovely words, Ryan. RIP man I love you

You fucking dumb chuckle head

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Chuckle head - definition

Someone who resembles Carlos Lobos, with Lobos like qualities....

Carlos stop being such a Chuckle Head

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Chuckle head - slang

A person who is bordering on being a buffoon.One who habitually laughs to relieve stress.

That chuckle head laughed through his whole court appearance.

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