Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chuckie cheese?

When you smoke really good weed and get super high.

"I smoked that Blueberry Haze with Ricardo, last night. I got Chuckie Cheesed!"

👍27 👎11

chuckie cheese - video


Chuckie cheese - what is it?

he like to plesure girls with his cheese

please chucky more cheese

👍95 👎65

What does "chuckie cheese" mean?

Originated from the childrens good time character Chucky Cheese. Used to refer to a fake azz person. Immature and stupid as hell.

Son: Mom, why daddy always cutting us short on the support.

Mom: Cuz his Chucky Cheese azz aint got no god damn sense.

👍103 👎57

Chuckie cheese - what does it mean?

A guy is straddled, creamed and blooded in the face, punched and gets pepperoni thrown at his face.

He was being an asshole so he got a chucky cheese.

👍73 👎33

Chuckie cheese - meaning

A spamtastic place to spend your best friends 15th birthday! Actually spelled Chuck E. Cheese

"Last night at my son's 3rd birthday party, I met a couple of hookers at Chucky Cheese."

👍99 👎47

Chuckie cheese - definition

A place for petifiles to scout out potential victims. Place of choice for snatching is generally the ball pit.

Hey Derrick how about we go down to Chucky Cheese and hang out in the ball pit?

👍189 👎69

Chuckie cheese - slang

Chucky Cheese's is an establishment characterized by debauchery aimed to attract children who ask their parents to throw them birthday parties there.

I went to my nephew's birthday party last night. It was at fuckin' Chucky Cheese's.

👍151 👎47

Chuckie cheese

Hell hole full of assholes, talking vermin, and shitty pizza. Bars pumping blaring annoying techno music have a better atmosphere.

I have to go to Chucky Cheese, and afterwords I'm gonna get drunk and drive off a cliff.

👍341 👎105

Chuckie cheese

A way to call a person really hot and attractive

To the point that you want to scream and faint

-Omg! Did you see what Chris Evans looked like in infinity war?
* dies fan girling *

👍27 👎11

Chuckie cheese

noun: anything that seems exciting and awesome at first, but then turns out to be less than you expected when it's over.
verb: to base experiences solely on emotion, as a young child at pizza birthday party might do.

"I waited all summer to go to Worlds of Fun and it was nothing but a bunch of chuckie cheese."

"Don't chuckie cheese this vacation! It's only boring if you want it to be."

"Don't turn Jesus into chuckie cheese" -Righteous B

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