Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chii?

Something that is incredibly small, very frustrating, and drives one insane.

I hate this person, he’s such a β€˜Chii’

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chii - meme gif

chii meme gif

chii - video


Chii - what is it?

a upcoming bronx drill rapper from the DOA alliance he was close to people like Kay Flock, Jayrip, Dougie B, and other DOA members. He got lined by a treesh and set up as he was leaving the studio.

Rip Chii Wvttz

Chii Wvttz: 'Rah Rah just got head tapped Delilah just got head tapped 800k still smoking on matt that nigga pussy got poked by a fag like why would you diss get back' - Shoot pt 2

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What does "chii" mean?

Biggest affro man around that is a ganja king of the world

yo dam, chi is the shizznit and he smoked all my weed nigga

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Chii - what does it mean?

maori girl who loves being put on the spit.
she is commenly known as block.

cody: man i wounder if their are any chiys out tonight???
kurk: doubt it should we go watch a porno??
cody: yeah man!! im keen!

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Chii - meaning

Quote by a wanna be roadman. The youngster is usually full of crap and has no genitalia.

"Aw chiis"

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Chii - definition

Being under the influence of marijuana. Common side effects are dizziness, red eyes and decision making abilities can be hampered

Derek you keep pewcking offmy deck i guess thats means your greening, fuck you must be chiied!

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Chii - slang

1. A persocom specifically created to be the second daughter of a scientist's family. Her real name is Elda. She lost her memory after her dying older sister, Freya, also a persocom, installed her memories into her. Her parents hid her away, by a pile of garbage, hoping someone would find her. She was found by Hideki Motosuwa. When she awoken, the only thing she could say was, "Chii." And that is how she received that name.

Chii's past and memories are mysteries to Hideki.

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1. To throw a heavy object in a fit of rage, especially a monitor.
2. To act violently

<starduck> I'm so about to go chii on my monitor

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A sound in response to something surprising, scary, or odd. Can have more than two "i", depending on the situation, or the level of the mentioned emotions.

"Chii..." She squeaked, her eyes wide with fear as the prancing clowns flipped into the center ring.

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a very cute chobit, comes with a promotional package of hugs and sounds that go 'chii...'
when she meets some she loves she becomes big and nasty =p, well not quite...

a manga/anime that beats lotr =)

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