Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chatte?

Twat bag but in French for added spiciness

You’re such a sac Γ  chatte

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Chatte - what is it?

Any person or persons participating in a Facebook Conference Chat. It should be noted that a "Chattee" is different from a chat-room "Chatter" because a Chatter spends wasted hours in a chat-room while Chattees spend wasted hours on a Facebook Photo page.

The chattee was Conference Chatting with others from all parts of the world for at least 45 minutes while the one who posted the photo in the first place was no where to be found.

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What does "chatte" mean?

"Suck my pussy" in french

Girl: you wanna "suce ma chatte"?

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Chatte - what does it mean?

Cool gal, likes pot

also a hottie with a body


yesterday I saw mRs Chatt makin pot

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Chatte - meaning

In context to appearance and looks, it can relate to a young female who dresses in a way that would make her look poor, filthy, dirty, but yet has friends (who are also Chatt Aye? as well). This would also include her attitude, make-up, dress, talk and posture.

Not used towards Males, and can be quiet offensive to other people.

Pronunciation: "Ch-at-t A?" (Chatt Aye?)

Person 1: "Yuck! That girl is filth!"

Person 2: "Yeah, I know. Steph's Chatt Aye?"

Person 1: "Aye!"

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Chatte - definition

The city of chattanooga in mid southeast Tennessee. There's not much to it but an aquarium, but it's still krunk.

I'm on the road doin shows puttin my mack down
Mississippi to Philly Albuquerque to Chatt Town --T.I. Bring Em' Out

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Chatte - slang

A person who's hometown is Chattanooga, Tennessee. A Chatt Rat must be a boozehound. All Chatt Rat's must respect Chattanooga and surrounding area's. A Chatt Rat's phone number must also maintain their original 423 area code, even if they move locations. A Chatt Rat must be better than any other city in the state of Tennessee. They are champion drinkers and smokers. They must also be able to distribute even servings of a Chatt Town Beat Down.

If you aren't a Chatt Rat, get the fuck out of this bar.

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Is Norwegian slang word for talking bullshit. It's used by immigrants who talks kebabnorsk and is very common to hear at the east side of Oslo. "Chatte luft" directly translated to english is to chat air.

Person 1 "HΓΈr'a brur, jeg skal dunke sΓ₯ mange mΓ¦ber i kveld wallah?"
Person 2 "hva mæber mann? du chatte luft"

Person 1 "Listen bro, I'm going to fuck so many bitches tonight, i swear"
Person 2 " What bitches man? you talkin bullshit"

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Best last name in the world these people are the best

Hey look it's (insert name here) Chatt

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The French slang word for pussy.

Je lui boufferais bien la chatte.
I really would like to eat her pussy.

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