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What is charli Damelio?

a fucking whore who ruined TikTok

hey do you know Charli Damelio?
oh yeah, that whore who took old TikTok away from us.

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charli Damelio - video


Charli Damelio - what is it?

A girl on TikTok with over 27 million followers. Her videos consist of her dancing, either solo or with friends. She also does dancing videos with her family, including her Mom, Dad, and older sister Dixie Damelio on her other TikTok account, @dameliofamilyofficial. She is unproblematic and unlike her peers in The Hype House, has never said the n word. She is 15 years old and her sister Dixie is 18. We stan an unproblematic dancing queen πŸ’•

"I just love Charli Damelio's TikToks. She's so good at dancing!"
"I learn all my TikTok dances from Charli Damelio!"

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What does "charli Damelio" mean?

Charli Damelio is a famous Tiktoker who gained 100 million followers in less than a year on the app, "TikTok".She has made a drink with Dunkin Donuts, did a collab with Morphie, and performed at the NBA. She has fan pages called her Dunkins! Some say that Charli is overrated and doesn't deserve the attention she is receiving, whereas those are just hateful opinions, and most people believe and know Charli is so talented and has gone through so much and is a strong inspiring young woman who has an amazing life laid ahead of her.

Charli Damelio is a dancer.

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Charli Damelio - what does it mean?

A 17 yr old Tiktoker that has over 100 million followers on Tiktok. She makes millions of dollars just by doing dumb and cheesy dances. However, majority of the dances aren’t even created by her.

Omg bro, my sister is way too obsessed with charli damelio

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Charli Damelio - meaning

Charli Damelio is a non-pog girl who got famous for moving her arms.

Omg Charli Damelio Is not pog.

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Charli Damelio - definition

Charli Damelio is an amazing 16-year-old who has over 100 million followers on TikTok.Some may say she is problematic and is a vaper, but she only vaped once 2 years ago. She is kind helpful and loving and overall an inspiring girl.

Hater: Charli Davaper
Fan: Charli Damelio

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Charli Damelio - slang

A famous tik toker that has no talent at all

Friend: Hey Charli Damelio Is Talented


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Charli Damelio

A girl that got famous off the dance she partially stole aka renegade she dated chase/ case Hudson aka lil huddy, aka ,black king, aka, African prince, who later cheated on her with multiple girls and gets millions of veiws for doing absolutely nothing.

OMG isn't that charlie damelios

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Charli Damelio

A 16 year old girl who currently has the "hype" for no reason on tiktok. She moves her arms around for 15 seconds in front of a phone and gets millions of likes. She part of the hypehouse filled with white people. She is surprisingly unproblematic.

Did you see that girl who got millions of like for eating a cake?

Oh yeah that was charli damelio

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Charli Damelio

A popular girl on Tik Tok who just does nothing and gets over 5 million likes

Popular tik tok girl doing nothing and getting millions of likes. Charlie damelio

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