Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bæ's?

An Icelandic word for town. Seriously look it up.

Guy 1: Yo dawg, look at my sweet bæ!
Guy 2: Where is she?
Guy 1: You're standing on it.
Guy 2: ...

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bæ's - meme gif

bæ's meme gif

bæ's - video


Bæ's - what is it?

Bitch always eating

Why are you

👍39 👎37

What does "bæ's" mean?

A Danish word that means poop, yet the rest of the word seems to think the word "bæ" means "baby".

I have to bæ.

ILYSM ur so sweet omg.

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Bæ's - what does it mean?

In Icelandic it translates to mean 'town'. However it has often been used in slang as an abriviation of baby or babe. In Danish it does not mean anything (just saying)

Ég bý í þessum bæ - Which translates to- I live in this town.

Have I introduced you, Mark, to Katie, my new bae?

👍51 👎37

Bæ's - meaning

big ass erection

you are my bæ ( ;

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Bæ's - definition

The Icelandic word for "town", also used way too often by hipsters who think it means boyfriend/girlfriend.

"Chilling with the bæ"
"Pizza is my bæ"
"I live in a bæ"

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Bæ's - slang

The Icelandic word for "bye", taken from the original English word.
Pronounced like "bi". Another word that means the same thing is "bless."

Person 1: Okay, see you soon!
Person 2: Bæ!

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The one you trynna smash

Im ready hang out wit bæ tonight

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Bæ/bae is a what sheep in Norway say. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc.


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danish word for poop
(this is why im single)

I need to take a bæ.
She called her boyfriend bæ!
Nobody realizes the real meaning of bæ.

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