Definder - what does the word mean?

What is but the cookies?

A common pastry made up of dough, sugar, and in some cases chocolate. No it's not slang for vagina, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

"I love cookies!"
"yOu mEan puSsY?!!???/"
"No, as in the dessert."

👍177 👎61

but the cookies - video


But the cookies - what is it?

Means wrong answer, or an answer not worthy of praise. Especially in an open forum.

A reference to rewarding children with cookies or other treats for good deeds.

No cookie for you, that was totally off topic.

👍99 👎29

What does "but the cookies" mean?

A negative response by a person being solicited by another person for a late-night hook-up in codewords; recently popularized on the show "The Office" (US version)

Dwight: What about that, um, meeting discuss finances later?
Angela: Okay, but don't expect any cookie.
Dwight: But what if I'm hungry??
Angela: (tersely) NO cookie.

👍191 👎67

But the cookies - what does it mean?

a food that is fun to eat, but also used as a sarcastic reward.

Person 1: I won the coin toss!
Person 2: Do you want a cookie?

👍6581 👎1915

But the cookies - meaning

A cookie is a type of snack food, usually small, circular and flat. Cookies are made from dough, water, eggs and sugar. However, cookies can also contain extra ingredients such as raisins, chocolate chips, oats etc.


Guy 1: Man, these chocolate chip cookies are great!
Guy 2: Thanks man! I made then with my mother's recipe!

👍81 👎17

But the cookies - definition

A food item that is in possession of a particular person. A cookie hypes someone up once offered to the person that requires hyping up. A natural rival of a carrot.

Have a cookie🍪 please hype yourself.

👍171 👎33

But the cookies - slang

a food

i want a cookie

👍1207 👎219

But the cookies

A phrase that was used in the Christmas EP (Go buy on iTunes/Google music)by Corbyn Besson.

"But the cookies"-Corbyn Besson

👍83 👎15

But the cookies

Food of the gods

And so to appease the gods, we offered them a cookie. It seemed to work.

👍5097 👎613

But the cookies

A game were multiple get in a cricle and jerk each other off while a cookie is in the center of the circle, each person cums on the cookie and the last person to cum must eat the cookie.

When guys hang out they sometimes play cookie cookie with each other

👍125 👎73