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What is burrito surprise?

when you are fucking your guy in the ass and then proceed to get another guy to unknowingly suck your dick post ass fuck

"Last night I fucked Mikey in the ass and then gave Andrew a burrito surprise."

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burrito surprise - video


Burrito surprise - what is it?

Put on your birthday suit, wrap yourself in a blanket like a burrito, wait for your significant other, friends, or family (if you dare) to see you, and then quickly unwrap your butt-ass-naked-self in front of them, yelling, โ€œSurprise!โ€ Youโ€™re naked when you do this - in case you missed it.

Girl 1: Omg, when I got home, my boyfriend gave me a Birthday Burrito Surprise.
Girl 2: What the heck is that?
Girl 1: He was wrapped in a blanket, like a burrito, and then surprised me when he popped out naked!

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