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What is burp and blow?

noun. What a girl give to a guy. It’s a blrup and a bow.
verb. When a girl is giving a guy that good burp AND blow πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

β€œ Ayo, Roger, I heard Annabella gave you that good Burp and Blow?”
β€œNah man, I wish. I know her burp and blow is legendary though.”
β€œOh for sure man. Listen to this tho… I’ve heard her blow needs a little work, but her burp is the stuff you here about in fairytales.”
β€œgahhh damn man. I only hope to be that blessed one day.πŸ™πŸ»β€œ

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burp and blow - video


Burp and blow - what is it?

a dirty fat whore with aids who frolics around and plays with the balls while giving the bomb blow job and then burps up massive ammounts of spurm

Your a spurm burping blow pig I think you should hit weight watcchers and wipe the cum off your lip

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What does "burp and blow" mean?

verb, the act of blowing your burp air on someone after you burp

Fear my burp blowing!
Daniel's burp blowing skills are deadly!

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Burp and blow - what does it mean?

The act of burping and then blowing the burp into someone else's face, so that they may enjoy your lunch/choice of alcohol/stomach acid too.

Man #1: That chili at lunch was wicked. Here taste.

(Man burps and blows in his friend's face.)

Man #2: That chili was spicy. Go Burp n blow Connie from Accounting, you can make her cry. She hates spicy food.

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Burp and blow - meaning

When your girl inhales an onion, bacon burger yet has the class to turn her head while cupping her hand over her mouth to save her bae from the fumes of a boner killer.

My girl devoured her onion burger and has been burping it back up all night. But at least she’s got enough class to do the burp and blow.

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