Definder - what does the word mean?

What is btdubs?

A NOT COOL abbrieviation of the commonly used phrase "By the way". Most often used by females with the first name 'Kerry'.

Kerry: "OH!! I like your top BTDubs..."

Kid 1: "Wow, your so uncool for using that word"

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btdubs - meme gif

btdubs meme gif

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Btdubs - what is it?

btdubbs is the same thing as btw(by the way) its just a cooler way to say it. Anyways btdubbing is when you say btdubbs; therefore, you are btdubbing!

sally: hey so this weekend im going to the beach. Btdubbs wanna come with??
jenny: sally you were just btdubbing... hahahaha!

👍31 👎15

What does "btdubs" mean?

broken spoken version of instant messaging "btw" or "by the way". Instead of saying all of the "w", you shorten it by just saying "dub".

"I was talking to Kevin on the phone last night and BTdub, he says he misses you."

👍195 👎67

Btdubs - what does it mean?

a stupid word a stupid guy wont tell me the meaning of... probably means 'by the way' or it ccould even mean 'pussy lips'

"what the hell does 'btdubs' mean??!!"
"noone knows"

👍125 👎479

Btdubs - meaning

spoken abbreviation for 'by the way'

Emily said "Btdubs, your girlfriend was talking to ME at the bar last nite too..."

👍199 👎155

Btdubs - definition

An abbreviation for "by the way". The 'dubs' in btdubs is the "w". It can also mean to give a heads up., or inform.

Btdubs, I forgot to tell you I saw your sister yesterday.

I took the trash out, btdubs.

👍29 👎11

Btdubs - slang

Pronounced "bee tee DUBS", a spoken form of the acronym btw which stands for "by the way."

It makes little sense, as the term itself has as many syllables as the phrase it's meant to abbreviate. Accordingly, it's degenerated into a cutesy term used mostly by girls. It has also been used in the gay community as a candid way of letting others know you are a bottom.

Jason: That's a very cute outfit you're wearing, btdubs.
Bruce: Great, I'm a top. See you at my place at 9?

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A spoken slang for BTW, meaning "by the way", which originated on the internet. Rather than say "bee-tee-double-u" out loud, people began saying "bee-tee-dubs", which became "btdubs" when translated back to the internet.

"What did you do Sunday night?"
"I studied. BTdubs, I picked up your book."

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