Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bse?

When somebody overuses Best Song Ever.

Jeff- Dude that song was totally the best song ever
Me- Come on man, you totally BSE'd every song on the album

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bse - meme gif

bse meme gif

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Bse - what is it?

the acronym for the song "best song ever" by one direction

And we danced all night to the BSE, We knew every line now I can't remember...

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What does "bse" mean?


abbreviation for: Best shit ever

used widely on the internet to describe something fantastic.

hellokitty3000: hai Todd!!!
Todd: hey
hellokitty3000: wutssuuup???
Todd: not much. eating some cereal.
hellokitty3000: oh my goodness i love cerealz!
Todd: for sure. its the bse.

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Bse - what does it mean?

bovine spongiform encelopathy other wise known as mad cow disease

britain suffers from bse

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Bse - meaning

Because of Society, Etc...

The reason given by closeted homosexuals to explain why they won't publicly reveal their sexuality.

Todd: Why won't you just leave that stupid beard of yours and run away with me!?

Mark: BSE.

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Bse - definition

BSE Big Smackdaddy Energy - that strong daddy energy radiating off certain individuals with that creative flair and taste for all things good.

Oh my, he has that BSE written all over him

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Bse - slang

Big Slut Energy. A friendly play on Big Dick Energy and Big Cunt Energy, but for when someone has that voluptuous feeling about them.

Guy 1: β€œDid you just see that group walk by? They had real BSE.”
Guy 2: β€œWhat’s that?”
Guy 1: β€œBig Slut Energy.”

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Big Strap Energy, alternative to Big Dick Energy

β€œRuby Rose is a daddy, if only a I had a fraction of that BSE”

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Best sex ever.

Charlie: Are you ready for some BSE tonight?
Genna: Yes sir.

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Best Sisters Ever

BSE could also be described as The Puente Sisters

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