Definder - what does the word mean?

What is briney?

The crackling or scratchy sounds made by an old vinyl record

Morrison's voice sounds good and briney on that old record player

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Briney - what is it?

When you are both salty and wet.

She didn't get her way in bed, but she still enjoyed it. You could say she was briney.

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What does "briney" mean?

the hottest man alive, the boy who I scream all taylor swift songs for

christopher briney is hot as fuck

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Briney - what does it mean?

A girl who smells like fish or a man who smells

I was hangin with Keisha and she told me when she went down on Hugh, he was right briney.

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Briney - meaning

Brine is salt water.
Having a briney is "to cry" or shed tears.
More loosely it can be complaining in a 'feel sorry for yourself' kind of way.

"I couldn't see her this weekend so she was having a huge briney over the phone at me!"

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Briney - definition

To be very mad, similar to the word "salty" only a step madder

Lol u briney? This guy got cheesed and he was so briney. Huk was so briney at MLG when he lost

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