Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brewskiing?

verb referring to skiing while consuming alcohol, or shortly after consuming alcohol.

Go get your skis and a six-pack! We're going brewskiing!

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brewskiing - meme gif

brewskiing meme gif

brewskiing - video


Brewskiing - what is it?

Beer. Generally cheap, watery beer, the kind that you often find in a keg.

Hey bro, can you get me another brewski out of the fridgeski?

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What does "brewskiing" mean?

A slang term developed in the mid to late 70's by an unknown individual in the plains states as a term for a cold driveway beer.

Hey Jeff, come on over for a cold brewski!

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Brewskiing - what does it mean?

Another word for beer

river of brewskies in full effect - Bam Margera

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Brewskiing - meaning

a term not normally used by person's of african decent meaning, a beer or that drink having the same effects of beer.

Hey man whats up, me and the guys are going to the bar to get a brewskie, wanna come?

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Brewskiing - definition

The way us canadians say beer. Though unlike what loserkid said i don't think it's all that hickish.

Hey dude can you grab me another brewski.

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Brewskiing - slang

Beers. More than one beer.

He's going to pick up a 12 pack of brewskis later.

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Another word for beer.

Dude 1: What's up, dude?! Are you ready to partay?!
Dude 2: Yeahhh I got my "B is for BREWSKY" shirt on and I'm ready to take on that beer bong fo sho!

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I'm gonna go grab a few cold brewskis out of the fridge.

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1. Beer
2. A serving of beer

" We had some brewskies while watchin' the hockey game."

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