Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brekky?

A Brekky Bong is the classic Aussie description of a bong (a bowl) of holy ganja smoked at or before breakfast. Depending on priorities, smoking habits and available food and/or cash, for some folks, the bong itself constitutes breakfast. Ideally, it would not be consumed with the entire family present, and should not be packed by your Mum.

Woke up, fumbled around for the lighter, reached down for the mix and packed myself a nice little Brekky Bong.

breakkie cone

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brekky - meme gif

brekky meme gif

brekky - video


Brekky - what is it?

Another word for breakfast, but usually used in the context of a late night meal of breakfast foods after heavy alcohol consumption.

Hey man, we should get brekkies and sober up a bit before heading home

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What does "brekky" mean?

A person who is obssesed with the breakfast club. Kinda like a trekkie. But insted a brekkie.

Ashley is obssesed with the breakfast club i consider her as a brekkie.

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Brekky - what does it mean?

Scouse (people from Liverpool) way of saying breakfast

I had eggs for Brekkie

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Brekky - meaning

Something that Mike grabs when he’s out of class 45 minutes early.

β€œI got out of class 45 minutes early so grabbin’ that brekky!”

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Brekky - definition

Slang for breakfast amongst those who cannot handle saying the whole word

Sapna 's late because she went out for brekkie.

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Brekky - slang

an Australian slang term for breakfast.

"I had eggs and tomato on toast for brekkie today."

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Abbreviation of breakfast.

Couldn't be arsed to eat brekkie this morning

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synonym for breakfast, it's a scouse slang.

I'm dying for a bit of brekky.

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synonym for breakfast

'cha want for brekky?

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