Definder - what does the word mean?

What is brain cum?

a brain with sperm on it

my friend aubrey has a cummed brains

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brain cum - video


Brain cum - what is it?

When you’re in a mental state of horniness and you can’t think straight. Usually the stage before post nut clarity.

Sarah: *out of breath* Did you say you loved me?!?
Bobby: *also out of breath* Oh shit my bad I had cum brain. Sorry I wasn’t thinking straight.

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What does "brain cum" mean?

A feeling sorta like a brain freeze that happens right before you cum or while your cumming most common in males.

She made me cum so hard I got cum brain..

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Brain cum - what does it mean?

When a man blows his load into a girls ear and she gets a massive migraine.

After 28 stright hours of oral, I think ill give her cum brains.

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Brain cum - meaning

Degrading, but fitting name to call a sexually active woman who isn't very intelligent and who has the compulsive habit/desire to give men oral sex.

Your mom: "Mmmmmh, mmmmmh, mmmmmmm."
Plumber: "Ooo yeah! Polish my tool, bitch!"
Your mom: "Mmmmmmm."
Plumber: "Okay you can stop now. I'm gonna "fix your sink" now. *gets out condom and lubricant*"
Your mom: "Mmmmmh yeah, mmmmmh, mmmmmmm, mmmmmh, mmmmmh, mmmmmmmmmmm!"
Plumber: "I said STOP now, Cum Brains!"
Your mom: "Mmm, mmmmmmm?"
Plumber: "You've got a bad case of oral fixation you know."

Mark H. Proud UD author since February 2004.

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Brain cum - definition

What your brain releases when you laugh or feel good. Another word for endorphins

1: We release endorphins when we laugh, that's why you watch comedy shows.
2: Endorphins is just another word for brain cum!
1:Right! That's what I meant to say.

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