Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boyes?

Alex Boye is the name of most of the norwegian crusader that still live today. they are amazing and will help you with every thing you want. if you need help with your LMG or getting a epic victory royale in fortnite they will help.
if you see a wild one you can tame it its a hard prosess but some have done it (you need to feed it chipotle for a week then statrt a crusade)

hey are you alex boye

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boyes - meme gif

boyes meme gif

boyes - video


Boyes - what is it?

if you ever meet her your the most lucky person in the world!!! she is the most loyal and wonderful person. popular, athletic, beautiful, spontaneous, and perfect is how everyone would describe her. when you meet her she is so easy to talk to and we make you feel important. don't be mean though you dont want to make her mad she will beat you the fuck up and you wont get up. and remember if you do make her mad give her a jr chicken and chips and cheese she'll completely forget what made her mad. :)

holy shit thats Mackenzie Boyes!!! she is so pretty!!! i wish i was her friend!!!

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What does "boyes" mean?

a term of endearment expressed from one refined gentleman to another, most commonly at social garden events. A man that is well suited for the daughter of a wealthy man. often dressed in tails and a waist coat and would be deemed a 'plonker' in modern society.

Hey Olde Boye, have you noticed Mr Lawson's daughter? She has a derrier that I would love to smother in quince paste

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Boyes - what does it mean?

Someone you are cool with but lowkey you know they have a small penis

Liam: Yooo shmeat boye
Person: Yo whats up man

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Boyes - meaning

The Term E Boyes can be used when one of your boys specifically tall ginger friend try’s to get with as many overweight or underage women as possible

He’s rizzing up that fat girl, he’s an E Boyes

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Boyes - definition

Boye is the best dog of all dogs that have ever existed in dogwerse .

And btw he is basically god.

And Boye is much better than Kaos.

And lastly, umm, he can eat everything. Plastic… Metall… and everything in between.

God praise Boye.
Boye my greatest God.

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Boyes - slang

Banquet Of Year's End (pronounced "BOYE!"). A banquet of celebration at the end of a school year where people give speeches, make fun of each other and take a large volume of pictures.

Person 1: Hey are you going to BOYE!?
Everyone in earshot: BOYE!
Person 2: Of course.

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The bizarre act of chanting around a bonfire whilst naked on a beach with a tambourine singing Flo Rida, trying to attract a member of the opposite sex, which tends to have a very high success rate.

Boon - Dude, I can't get that girl Kerrie.
Tim - Do a Boyes at the beach tomorrow
Boon - Oh yeah man that'll definitely work...

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1. (adjective) The state or condition of being a boy.

2. (noun) The male genitalia.

1. β€œWhen he shyly took her hand, she was smitten by his sweet boyness.”

2. β€œAs he stood, the bath towel around his waist fell to the floor and revealed his boyness.”

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A "boye" is a male creature. Usually associated with dogs. Boye is not the official spelling for "boy".

Taylor: "Look at this gud boye go!"

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