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What is bouncing betty?

When your ballsack is so large and droopy you can almost use it as like a bouncy ball when your bored during quarantine

Friend1: what’d you do over quarantine

Friend2: I was playing with my bouncing betty

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bouncing betty - video


Bouncing betty - what is it?

a large set of women’s breasts that perform a lively mating dance with the eyes of every man whos body is coursing with testosterone (A man need not be in eye-shot of such a spectacle to be effected as his...ur, umm…”divining rod” points the way like a compass to magnetic north.)

Dude: Scope those curvacious maidens. I’ll pounce the coal top with the bouncing betties. What’s your ruling on the blonde?
Wingman: The dewclaws are up.

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What does "bouncing betty" mean?

term used for a tester that is used for testing metalic hardness

a metal ball drops downward and pings the metal to be tested.Thus why its called the bouncing betty

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Bouncing betty - what does it mean?

A sweet-looking gal who hides that she's a natural man-eater. A woman who works relationships and men over, for her own benefit.

Willis: "I'm tellin' you. Watch out for her... she looks nice, but she'll do you in. She's a Bouncing Betty"
Arnold: "Whatchootalkin'bout, Willis?"
Willis: "Boom!"

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Bouncing betty - meaning

A girl named Betty with big (.Y.) Typically wears no bra.

That Bouncing Betty is a hottie!

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Bouncing betty - definition

A booby-trap used by the NVA and VC in the Vietnam war. When a soldier tripped a wire, one of these shot up and exploded his torsoe.

He got taken out by a bouncin' betty.

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Bouncing betty - slang

ground emplaced mine that shoots into the air before it blows up at head-level for maximum fatality.

that bouncing betty got bobby's head

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Bouncing betty

antipersonnel mine that springs from the ground, spinning and exploding, after being tripped.

The bouncing betty shredded the soldier who was on point.

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Bouncing betty

A type of landmine that waits for about five seconds after being set off, then flies up in the air and explodes at crotch or head level. Source of the myth that you can just stay on a landmine and be safe, although in real life trying that would just make your leg explode.

If you trip a bouncing betty, the best plan is probably to duck.

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Bouncing betty

A type of landmine characterized by its detonation only when pressure that has been placed on it has been released. After release, the mine springs into the air spewing shrapnel in all directions.

The private stepped on the bouncing betty and took out the whole platoon.

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