Definder - what does the word mean?

What is booding?

A variation of the pronounciation of "Bud" which refers to the bud of a cannabis plant (weed).

Nigga lets go 'nati bound and get some boods down on Vine.

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booding - meme gif

booding meme gif

booding - video


Booding - what is it?

When your in a bad mood and don't feel like saying "I'm in a bad mood." This word is for the ultimate lazy person. However if used correctly you may lol from the stupidity of it's pronunciation.
-Creds to Snudge

I'm fucken bood.

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What does "booding" mean?

Eating the booty like groceries. Contracted form of booty and pudding.

Karl :"Hey honey what's for dinner ?"
Marese :" booding"
Karl :"the f*** is that ?"
Marese :"I'll let you guess"

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Booding - what does it mean?

Proper Noun: A person who excels in doing nothing, thinking too deeply, and describing things in unnecessary depth. Also used to describe those who are lazy and have no ambition.
Noun: an act of supreme forgetfulness or illogical behaviour.
Verb: to hesitate for a prolonged amount of time, or to think or speak about subject far more deeply than is necessary.

Proper Noun: John is such a bood, he does nothing all day.

Noun: I forgot to call my friend for two days. It was such a bood.

Verb: John booded for several hours over whether or not he should cross the road.

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Booding - meaning

The ancient saying, used to create magical forces in the parallel universe.
Saying And Bood will make you live longer!

James: And Bood
Alex: And Bood makes you live longer!
James: ... by about a minute
Alex: And Bood And Bood And Bood (etc)

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Booding - definition

Bood is a shortening for the word Boodadette also known as another word for queen. Or as a compliment it’s popular in the south east of Ireland.

β€œBernadette Is such a boodadette!” β€œI know she’s such a Bood!”

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Booding - slang

A shortening of the common phrase β€œBig mood”

That is a Bood

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A portmanteau of the phrase "big mood", used to denote how completely and utterly relatable something is.

"This dog is so lazy it doesn't want to play fetch. Mood."
"Well, this dog's so lazy it doesn't even bother to stand up to eat its dinner."
"Now that's a bood."

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what pacific islanders call indians in New Zealand. the word came around in 2004 when a funny video came around of a pacific islander calling a indian bood good

islander: hey bood bood
indian: im fijian you bolo

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Term used by Persians to describe Indians from the sub-continent and also Pakis. The term is derived from the way Indians speak. It always sounds like they are saying 'bood bood bood bood' really fast, when they are talking their language. The term was derived by a Persian in LA nick named Ben 'The Tickler'.

"Yo, do you know that guy? Which one the bood bood? Yeah.

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