Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bluelist?

(blue,list) Bluelisted V. To recommend a travel experience.
N. A recommended travel experience or a recommended place to visit.

V: I would bluelist that restuarant. It is the best pizza place in San Francisco.
N: Boboli Gardens is totally on my bluelist of best gardens in the world.

👍71 👎19

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bluelist meme gif

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Bluelist - what is it?

aggressive online efforts, usually by mobs via social media, to harm the employment/career/livelihood of a person, esp. when said harm is motivated by ideology, outrage, or both.


see also: rulebombing, fire alarming

Amy: Did you see the insensitive rant that Joe posted on his blog?

Bob: Yeah. I've already sent it to HuffPo and Gawker. Hopefully we can post up where he works for everyone to see.

Amy: Woah, you're running a bluelisting campaign? I was just asking if you'd seen it. Jesus christ, Bob.

👍511 👎129