Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bird feathers?

People of SMALLWORLDS who have 170+ CL levels stay together in a group. If they see one of their own they go with them.

Oh look at the group of those VIPS. They are birds of a feather flock together.

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bird feathers - video


Bird feathers - what is it?

The phrase birds of feathers flock together is not the full phrase. It means your β€˜friends’ fake ones will be friend with you until the cat something bad comes. So choose your friends wisely!

Birds of feathers flock together until the cat comes being defined by prof fucked up my mind.

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What does "bird feathers" mean?

Another phrase used to describe the acts of incest.

Two birds of a feather fuck together.

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Bird feathers - what does it mean?

When people that act the same, hang out together. People that have the same morals often tend to group. It has nothing to do with jealousy, nor the amount of friends a person is allowed to hang out with. It is NOT pointed towards having a close friend neither. it simply means when people act the same, they normally hang out. Like a clique.

Wondalee told someone something Maria told her not to tell anyone about.

Taylor told a boy something and brought up Ella's name, when Ella wasnt supposed to tell anyone but trusted Taylor.

Wondalee and taylor hang out on a daily basis

THEREFORE, taylor & wondalee, are birds of a feather that flock together(they were doing the same thing).... thus an average person would describe what they did using the saying "birds of a feather flock together"

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Bird feathers - meaning

Bird of a Feather Flock Together is a term used when describing a Group of people who always hang together, and or associate with one another. Even when they all may not share the same common interests, outside in public view they're all just viewed the same (a Feather on a Bird's back) just by Guilt of association.

"You know the old saying, you hang around 10 Fake individuals you're likely to be the 11th one. Bird of a Feather Flock Together. You're not just an associate of them, you're one of these fake individuals as well ."

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Bird feathers - definition

Peeps with similar likes, appearance, or behavior hang together, as in a clique.

Birds of a feather flock together.

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Bird feathers - slang

A phrase that describes more Republican members of Congress. These Birds of a Featherflock together-behind bars!

Tom Delay, Duke Cunningham and Scooter Libby are Jail Birds of a Feather.

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Bird feathers

also known as scituates finest. these little bitches think they rule the world when in reality everyone hates them. older guys even think its funny to call this number which they refer to as the "hotline" where they can ask for anyone of these little hoochies and get laid...and with the track record of these fine young ladies the chances of that are very high.

scituates finest...more like scituates finest whores

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Bird feathers

Peeps with similar appearance, likes, or behavior.

Birds of a feather flock together.

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Bird feathers

when a girl is on the bottom during sex and the friction of her head being rubbed back and forth on the pillow causes the hair on the back of her head to tangle forming a knot of hair that sticks out like bird feathers

i was fucking this girl hard from on top and she got some huge bird feathers

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