Definder - what does the word mean?

What is binkey?

Usually said by a gay person

Your a Stinky Binkey!
Your fucking gay

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binkey - meme gif

binkey meme gif

binkey - video


Binkey - what is it?

yeah right

Em: Iā€™m totally over my ex
Holly: Sure binkey

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What does "binkey" mean?

A Stinky Binkey is performed when you stick a pacifier up your butt and then stick it in an unsuspecting baby's mouth. Then you have to yell "Stinky Binkey" at the mom and run away.

Everybody at the rave started laughing when we gave that baby a Stinky Binkey.

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Binkey - what does it mean?

A Stinky Binkey is performed when you stick a pacifier up your butt and then stick it in an unsuspecting person's mouth. Then you have to yell "Stinky Binkey" and run away.

Everybody at the rave started laughing when we gave that kid a Stinky Binkey.

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Binkey - meaning

1. A childish term to describe genetalia - male or female
2. A greeting/ term of endearment

Eeeee, hello binkey!

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Binkey - definition

Pacifer That People Chew On When On Xtc.

guy on x:my jaw hurts
other guy:y?
i don't have my binkey

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