Definder - what does the word mean?

What is besser?

An ugly abomination that shouts a lot and it uses to be as noisy as a morocco in playafels.

Stop doing that, you are being like marta besser

👍25 👎11

besser - meme gif

besser meme gif

besser - video


Besser - what is it?

A person who claims to love some-one but actuly fancys someone else (that i call a duck). Usely the victim is a neek and ends up emotionly dead and is left alone for the rest of the however long until they find some-else.
My last attempt to post this was rejected so I've used less names in this one

Besser: (to victim after liking for a couple of weeks): hey (name here) do you wana go out do that disco
Victim: (bright red): um... Sure why not

2 weeks later

Besser: ITS OVER! come on (ducks name here). Lets go to that disco you saw

victim (pissed off at every-one): WHAT THE F*** that was the only person i ever liked my life is RUINED

👍37 👎29

What does "besser" mean?

a spinless man afraid of living alone

dude Mandy found herself a besser

👍43 👎27

Besser - what does it mean?

The gayest of gay no way to be gayer (some times with gimp leg)

Look at Besserer he is so gay AHHHHHHHHHHH!

👍73 👎43