Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bent over a barrel?

When a person is stripped naked and propped in the doggy-style position with their stomach resting on a barrel. This exposes their vagina or anus to allow for easy, unobstructed sexual penetration or rape. The victim often doesn't realize that they are in a compromised position until it is too late or they may have no other choice but to comply. Some may also enjoy the experience at first until they realize that there's no lube.

Chad: "How much are you paying for internet service?"
Jessica: "$150 per month"
Chad: "Damn! Your ISP has you bent over a barrel!"

👍37 👎47

bent over a barrel - video


Bent over a barrel - what is it?

Getting screwed over in the worst possible sense. Right up there with BOHICA.

I really got bent over the barrel with this detail.

👍99 👎19