Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bena?

racist slur against mexicans/hispanics. bena means “filthy beaner”. using this is emotionally triggering to mexicans

“i want chickfila” “SHUT IT BENA

👍25 👎11

bena - meme gif

bena meme gif

bena - video


Bena - what is it?

A girl who hides her feelings behind a smile she will also go out of her watching to help someone who doesn't need help she may not be pretty on the outside but is beautiful on the inside she sometimes make herself sad bc she thinks she doesn't deserve to live on this earth and she has big enough boobs to pass by her butt is not flat but not big either and she wishes school he could escape in all the books she read because life is to hard for her

Benae hill is sensitive

👍29 👎15

What does "bena" mean?

Benas means u smell like bananas and cow poo.

“Oh did u see that girl who smelt like benas”.
Ohh yeah I was almost sick”.

👍27 👎13

Bena - what does it mean?

• Make something more extravagant
A gay basketball player


👍39 👎27

Bena - meaning

A nice girl who is obsessed with a particular sport. She is blondyish and she often has a bad fortune with boys. She is natural and is a tom boy. #WHITEGIRL She often gets called "nae" or "nay".

"I want to go to starbucks and get a pumpkin spice latte with benae"

👍49 👎33

Bena - definition

Someone that is so unbelievably attractive, smart, funny. A 10/10.

Wow that girl is such a bena 😍

👍31 👎13

Bena - slang

absolute top G . No one can compare with his might.He has the body of a greek god and gets all the bitches.

Wow look over there it’s Benas.

👍25 👎11


(NOUN) An cute Asian girl that looks much younger then she truly is. Usually quiet/shy. Laughs at any joke and uses her misleading looks as a tool of seduction

Guy 1: "Damn when did middle school girls start getting tongue rings and hanging out with college guys? ... shes been flirting with me all night."
Guy 2: "Bro thats a bena, shes older then you, she just looks mad young."
Guy 1: "Oh word? In that case.. she could get it."

👍189 👎67


A last name believed to be of Greek origin. To be associated with people who are very masculine, attractive, sexy, and with overall beauty. People of the surname Benas also excell academically. They come with the ability to satisfy any women the come across.

That Benas is so sexy i would do him right here.

👍135 👎31


A fat bald man with a huge penis. He is always right and loves the greatest sports teams. Generally the best at everything but losing. Very Elway-eske. But kinda has man boobs.

Good job! You bena-ed the hell out of that one.

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