Definder - what does the word mean?

What is being the Dick?

Seriously. Just stop.

I told that guy at the show tonight to stop being a dick, and he punched me.

👍169 👎57

being the Dick - video


Being the Dick - what is it?

being the dick is dutch for being de lul meaning dick ...that means ure in deep deep trouble ! ure not only being a dick no ure the dick and if not now ure gonna be one dutch evrything u do u are being doing and everything u are u are also being so like: i am being standing here...or i am being running away...dutch also so say also allot and also when they introduce themselfes it goes something like this...high i am being siske de rat...ik ben out...peace!

he is so gonna be the dick now...
remember that one time u was being the dick

in dutch: je was echt de lul...

👍31 👎25

What does "being the Dick" mean?

A term that referred to someone being an asshole

Do I really need to explain how to use the term being a dick

👍167 👎73

Being the Dick - what does it mean?

conducting oneself in an inappropriate manner to the annoyance of others.

Intentionally driving a dump truck in a reckless manner is being a dick.

👍445 👎109

Being the Dick - meaning

Someome that is constantly acting like an asshole when unnecessary.

Me: you look nice today
Them: you don't, have you ever heard of a hair brush
Me: ugh you are being a dick

👍429 👎81