Definder - what does the word mean?

What is beaver damming?

1.(n.)the female equivalent of a cock block; a person who prevents a woman from scoring

2.(n.)the female equivalent of a boner killer; a person or situation that turns a woman off

3.(v.) an act which prevents a woman from scoring, intentionally or not

1. My roommate is a crazy-ass beaver dam. I can't bring anyone home without her trying to fuck them first.

2. Long nails are a sure-fire beaver dam. No wolverine bullshit in my snatch, thank you.

3. Dude, quit tryin' to beaver dam me! I need to get laid!

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beaver damming - video


Beaver damming - what is it?

A lesbian version of cock block

What do u call a lesbian cock blocker?
A beaver dam

👍35 👎13

What does "beaver damming" mean?

When another person of any gender gets in the way of a woman's attempt to initiate sexual contact with another woman. This can be by distractions or their own sexual flirtations.

Dude, I was at the bar with Sheila and she totally started Beaver Damming me for that ginger chick in the corner! I won in the end though- who's the beaver dam now!!

👍49 👎19

Beaver damming - what does it mean?

The female equivalent to cock blocking.

Dammit me ex is totally Beaver damming me.

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Beaver damming - meaning

preventing a female from hooking up with another person.

Man, this girls is diggin me but her friend keeps beaver damming me.

👍141 👎63

Beaver damming - definition

Cock-blocking a lesbian woman. The damming can be carried out by either male or female culprits.

I'm pretty sure that chick is beaver damming you right now.

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Beaver damming - slang

The feminine version of cock block; i.e. a girl who stands in the way of another girl who wants to talk to or meet a guy. Can be used as a noun or verb.

Who is that beaver dam?
She totally beaver dammed me!

👍771 👎245

Beaver damming

The "cock block" for the female. When a girl is effectively cock blocked she has been beaver dammed.

She was beaver dammed by her girlfriend when she dropped the herpes word in front of the new guy

👍91 👎17

Beaver damming

Digital penetration of a vagina, finger fucking, finger blasting, sticking your fingers in tortilla soup, playing a game of stink finger, and etc.

Beaver is slang for vagina. Dam is mimicked by your fingers. Resembles the logs beavers (the animal) piles up to make their homes.

Male 1: How did your date to the movie go last night?

Male 2: The movie was lame but got some beaver dam action going.

👍61 👎13

Beaver damming

Female version of cock blocking.

I was trying to hook up with that cute guy at the bar, but Lori keeps beaver damming me.

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