Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bannistering?

act of plowing Jared Kushner

Gay roommates Carl & Tim were sitting around watching the news, learning that Jarvanka wasn't totally truthful about their 1/6 testimony. Carl turned to Tim and said, "that Jared Kushner needs to be bent over a bannister and plowed by a BBC." Tim agreed, saying "Bannister Boy. absolutely"

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bannistering - meme gif

bannistering meme gif

bannistering - video


Bannistering - what is it?

A test to prove if the stories about oriental women being "cut the wrong way" down below is true.

An oriental woman is enticed to remove her panties and slide down a bannister, whilst an indepentant witness listens out for the tell tale 'flubberlubberlubberlubber' noise made by friction rubbing against the oriental woman's sideways cut pussy.

Any non-oriental woman performing the same test will result in a smooth, friction free and silent ride to the bottom of the stairs.

Oli: "Jenny, would you mind performing the bannister test? I want to know if the stories are true..."

Jenny: "Sure thing"

Jenny removes her pants, hops on the bannister and starts to slide... 'flubberlubberlubberlubber'

Oli: "I knew it!"

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What does "bannistering" mean?

Terry a blonde dumbass child who thinks its funny to mess around with girls emotions. A wanker for saying that they love them on what is supposed to be a loving day eg: valentines day. Somebody who thinks there a player but really is begging for it he's a wanna be and self-centered immature child don't go for a terry you will regret this.

Terry bannister: im breaking up with you.

1 min after girl goes to her friend
Girl: worst mistake of my life terry bannister is.

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Bannistering - what does it mean?

A small wannabe roadman who smokes grass out his stepdad garden. He does wheelies because he thinks hes hard. If you see Lyon Bannister approaching you then flick him on the head and he will run away like a pussy and get the LA5 Lads on you.

Oh look its Lyon Bannister please dont get the LA5 on me you alien heas twat.

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Bannistering - meaning

v. To blow something up, or destroy something, like the recently demolished Bannister Mall in South Kansas City, MO.

"They should Bannister the shit out of Metcalf South Mall!" or "If she looks at me like that again, I'm going to bannister her punk ass."

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Bannistering - definition

To attain maximum personal gain with minimum input.

Guy 1: How did you manage to get a hold of a 50ft yacht for 6 weeks?
Guy 2: The owner is travelling and needed it worked on while he way away. I agreed to do it if I could use the yacht for the time he was away.
Guy 1: Bannistered it!

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Bannistering - slang

Bannister is a cool last name it means

you have a big pp and your dad owns a dealership and they play alot of hockey and throw there sticks when the let in a goal from the far blue line

Bannister is cool

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To be denied or otherwise fail in attracting females or not satisfy a female

Chris tried him best charm and exhausted his wit but ended up bannistering and being denied his chance at love

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When soemone talks to you about absolutely useless stuff that you have no interest in whatsoever and you ignore. Then youve been bannistered

Person 1:"silent"
Person 2:Well you see mario is actually a racial stereotype of blah blah blah italian blah blah pizza blah blah pipe woo luigi blah lol.
Person 1:"facepalms self"
Person 3:Dude you just got bannistered..

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City of London (UK) slang for a lunch accompanied by 4 pints of beer. Named after Sir Roger Bannister who was the first recorded person to run a mile under 4 minutes.

Do I go for the cheese board or instead make this a Bannister?

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