Definder - what does the word mean?

What is baggles?

A word that replaces any action.

I was so excited, I shmaggle-baggled in my pants.

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baggles meme gif

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Baggles - what is it?

To be assulted with consent or with out by a homo sexual using the act of head, hand job, gargling balls or otherwise homo induced acts.

When I went to the bagglers house , he had been drinking and tried to yam baggle me before I could make it out the door.

👍49 👎11

What does "baggles" mean?

inner City, breadline slum scum. Prolly on smack definatly buying stolen goods and shopping at netto. Prolonged exposure to poverty and suger butties, has saucer-sunken eyes, smokes 80/day and a fiesta xr2

Oh, Shazzer, that baggle scummer, she's 'angin'

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Baggles - what does it mean?

When having anal sex it is possible to prolapse, some people then take that prolapse and staple it to the ass cheeks to create a donut out of the internals then a few days later it starts oozing yellow fun stuff that is baggle mung

Ooh I just prolapsed quick pull it out and staple it then you can have baggle mung for tea

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Baggles - meaning

noun - a grouping of douches.

As I was walking through the mall a baggle exited the Aeropastale in front of me. I grew furious.

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Baggles - definition

The adjective used to describe the action of being on a moving boat, such as you might find on a river or canal.

-I had a great job baggling along the Regents Canal this summer.
-The girls drooled as the sexy skipper baggled past them topless.

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Baggles - slang

The opposite of haggling, you are literally asking the seller to add more to the cost and they buy it.

"Bro I baggled for the price on my trainers to show off to others."
"...why? Baggling is stupid."

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Haggling between a buyer and a seller to receive the best possible price on a whole bag of shopping.

Steve baggled so effectively that he had money left over for premium pie and a craft beer.

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A group of three or more douche bags. In expanded form, "a baggle of douche."

"I just got hassled by this baggle in Blackhawk jerseys at the bar for wearing a Lightning hat."

"You should have seen this baggle of douche who rolled through Target the day they had bogo on Axe Body Spray."

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The manner in which the character 'Britta Perry' from the lesser known sitcom "Community", pronounces the word "Bagel".

*A bag of bagels falls on the ground from the study table*
Britta: "Oh great, so much for baggles"
Jeff: "So much for what?"
Britta: "The baggles, you dropped them on the floor"

*A bag of bagels falls on the ground from the study table*
Britta: Oh great, so much for baggles
Jeff: So much for what?
Britta: The baggles, you dropped them on the floor

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