Definder - what does the word mean?

What is badfish's?

The derivation of badfish is from fish that the greed culture finds worthless, but who are happy to swim around in the beautiful ocean.

They is a badfish but they listen to what you say and think about it.don't lie to make money, enjoy creative music, and go their own way.

👍25 👎11

badfish's - meme gif

badfish's meme gif

badfish's - video


Badfish's - what is it?

A crazy Texan drinks too much beer and decides his penis looks better inverted thus performing athletic maneuvers while displaying his family jewels in a handstand with his pants to the knees.

hanging in nugents sippin on redbulls and vodka then going back to the pad to play some call of duty then looking left OH SNAP mr binkie is upside down. The reverse badfish strikes again!

👍51 👎25

What does "badfish's" mean?

One hack of a gurlie who is simply rad!

Yo yo, that chicky is a badfish... werd!

👍121 👎889

Badfish's - what does it mean?

An individual who does not believe you should have to join this corrupt world that revolves around money, but beloved we could go back to just living off the land and can appreciate even just the little things in life.

Tell me are you a badfish too?
Are you a badfish too?
Ain't got no money to spend
I hope the night will never end
Lord knows I'm weak
Won't somebody get me off of this reef

👍41 👎57

Badfish's - meaning

A badfish is a Vietnamese ninja that plays keyboard and guitar. A badfish's name can only start with the letter 'A'. A badfish is NOT a stinky pussy or tuna.
(Also, if your name starts with the letter 'K' and you have red hair, you can also call yourself a badfish.)
*And if you believe a badfish is a stinky pussy, you're wrong.

Ashley is a badfish because she plays keyboard and guitar and she's a Vietnamese ninja.

Keith is a badfish because he has red hair.

Jack is not a badfish!! He believes a badfish is a stinky pussy. And he's wrong.

👍165 👎557

Badfish's - definition

A person that drinks too much. A fun-loving alcoholic.

Damn Billdo drinks too much--he is a badfish.

👍515 👎653

Badfish's - slang

1. Someone who uses heroin (or other hard or iv-administered drugs).
2. Someone who turns others onto heroin (or other hard or iv-administered drugs).

Damn, you shot Rodney up with that smack? You're a badfish.

Are you a badfish too?

👍1531 👎507


An amazing Sublime song that has mutliple meanings, such as love, drug abuse, and life in general.

Badfish is also the name of a band made in tribute to Sublime. They do some covers of Sublime songs as well as some original material. Quality stuff.

Tell me are you a badfish too?

👍1181 👎291