Definder - what does the word mean?

What is baddest BITCH?

A misunderstood underestimated girl that bends you over and shows you what it's like to be fucked in the end for underestimating and betraying her and roasting your butthole for the disrespect turning in to the baddest bitch in the world. May have multiple personality disorder;)

I bent over and grabbed my ankles and the baddest bitch in the world fucked me in the ass for discipline not please for a life lesson to be ingested

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

baddest BITCH - video


Baddest BITCH - what is it?

A Woman Who's Swagg Is Official.

Trina Is Dubbed Da Baddest Bitch

Allanah is da baddest bitch i've seen so far, i mean look at the way she do her

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What does "baddest BITCH" mean?

park jimin

army: oof jimin is the baddest bitch ever 🀀🀀

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Baddest BITCH - what does it mean?

Haylee is the baddest bitch.

Haylee is the baddest bitch period

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Baddest BITCH - meaning

Dawn Gluskins of Palm Bay Florida

If you know Dawn, consider yourself lucky!

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Baddest BITCH - definition

Before used by Ms. Trina, baddest bitch was said in the punk song "Bad Girl" by the Plasmatics, whose lead singer was Wendy O. Williams.

"I'm a bad girl, baby. I'm the baddest bitch around."

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Baddest BITCH - slang

a sexy original gay male who can have any man or object he desires who other women hate on cuz he "got it like that" he has a nice ass, a cute face, with intelligence who knows how to get that money without being fuckboy or manwhore

Yo that’s my gay best friend, he is the baddest bitch I know

What’s up my baddest bitch

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Baddest BITCH

typically a female thats a total package from head to toe long pretty hair (natural of course) pretty face no make up needed, an amazing body not too fat or too skinny every thing is the right proportion she has to dress in the flyest shit every time you see her, she gotta be classy and she always gotta stay with some cash but more importantly than her physical features she gotta be smart and have something goin for herself.... thats a truly bad bitch

lauren londen can be considered one of the baddest bitches in the game

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Baddest BITCH

He’s better then a bad bitch, he’s the baddester bitch. Nicholas is the baddester bitch and I’d smash 10/10

β€œDamn he’s the baddester bitch, we can’t even compare. Like he could get any and every girl if he wanted”

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Baddest BITCH

a sexy original female who can have any man or object she desires who other women hate on cuz she "got it like that" she has a nice body, a cute face, with intelligence who knows how to get that money without being a gold digger

Like Ms Trina said I'm tha baddest bitch

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