Definder - what does the word mean?

What is baby raging?

When someone is acting like a child and is a having a complete melt down.

Baby Rage: because Simon is an Idiot.

Man that Joker guy exudes large amounts of Baby Rage

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baby raging - video


Baby raging - what is it?

A person, particularly gamer, that gets angry at things that they should have no reason to get angry about. They then proceed to cry and complain about seemingly nothing for too long and this makes them extremely annoying to be around. They can be enraged further by making crying noises or treating them like a child.

"Wow, Harvey just lost a game of Smash and now he's being such a Gay Rage Baby. Waaah! Waaaah! "

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What does "baby raging" mean?

A person who is raging/mad, their voice raises to a high pitched yell or squeak.

OH NO! Johnny is going into rage baby mode.

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Baby raging - what does it mean?

the anger generated in old people when they realise different facets of their world have changed for the worse

when John saw his football teams squad for next year he fucking lost his shit and went into a full baby photo rage

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Baby raging - meaning

When someone gets really mad to the point of tears usually accuring in a video game.

"Isaiah stop being such a baby rage and use the definition right'

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Baby raging - definition

Nick,that one asshole who kicked you out of the server

Man that guy is really having baby rage

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Baby raging - slang

Commonly used when someone online starts Talking "Mad Shit" which Indicates that person is very mad and Raging as a young born child

"Look at this bitch baby raging, Fucking random'

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Baby raging

When one is complaining and screaming in a similar manner to a young child

β€œDang Will had some serious baby rage in the discord chat when he lost the argument about swords”

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Baby raging

Baby rage/baby raging is when someone throws a tantrum or gets mad at something in a video game, sometimes to the point of tears, and acts in manners similar to a small, angry child. The term comes from the twitch emote :babyrage:, featuring an angry baby.

Person 1: "Dude, he's maaddd baby raging in chat right now, are you guys seeing this ?"
Person 2: "Hey, Tom, how would you describe that in a twitch emote ?"
Tom: "I'd say...... baby rage."

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Baby raging

An emotion that occurs when one is extremely angry, but powerless to do anything about whatever is making them angry.

"Did you see that guy at the bar last night? He wanted to hit that dude so bad, but he was just full of baby rage so he couldn't."

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