Definder - what does the word mean?

What is auni?

She is fun and funny. She always thinks about other people when she does something or talks to someone. She shows that he understands and cares about other people’s problems. She has a lot of energy and can think creatively. She’s also smart and intelligent.

I want to be like Anis Auni

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auni - meme gif

auni meme gif

auni - video


Auni - what is it?

Aunie is really good person.She is very cute with a beautiful face.She really like a years old.Her face really like Baekhyun.Oh My God she really like an artist korea look.

His/Her:Omg her face really like an artist korea.
Aunie:warghh.that's so amazing.

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What does "auni" mean?

Auni is a girl and it's A's boyfriend ,if u bother her , u will be single for the rest of your life!

Auni , I Love You

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Auni - what does it mean?

She's really girly and soft hearted girl

She is so Auni!!

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Auni - meaning

auni is a girl that thinks people are lying when they compliment her. she never feels that she's good enough even though she tried her best. sometimes she's insecure with herself but sometimes she feels pretty. auni never thinks her feelings are valid. she wants to be as smart as his brother so she could make her parents proud but she always fails miserably. but auni is really grateful for her life.

"is that the new girl?"
"yeah, her name is auni."

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Auni - definition

very abrasive. but beautiful in its own way.

She is so auni.

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Auni - slang

sexy and intelligent , auni is an ambivert . she is perfect in every way.

wow you are sucha auni !

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