Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ator?

Ator is a very fun but not much of an outgoing guy. He has eyes that always have the girls looking twice. He is a kind, sweet, trustworthy, cute, caring, smart, loving person that will always be there for you, but don’t take his kindness and sweetness as a weakness.
Ator has a lot of female friends, but his girl always come before them. If you ever get the chance to be with an Ator, take it and never let him go, cause if you do you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

*Did You See That Guy??....*

*Yeah That Must Be An Ator... Just Look At His Eyes.. But Dont Try Anything, Cause He Has A Girl And He Wont Ever Do Anything To Hurt Her....*

*Did You See His Eye's??*

*Yeah I Did.. They Were Brown And Sexy*

*Yeah I Thought Soo.. Had Too Look Back Twice Tooo Make Sure.*

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ator - meme gif

ator meme gif

ator - video


Ator - what is it?

Verb: To repeatedly lick a females vagina for a span of 30 minutes or more; usually said with a redneck accicent.

Did you here about Don atoring Mrs. Carrol the other night?

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What does "ator" mean?

The master and lord of all dank memes also known as The Dankest Memer.

Bro you're like The Dank-N-Ator

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Ator - what does it mean?

An illiterate piece of shit that can't spell "beat up" correctly.

The Ryan-Ator spelled beat up, "beet up".

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Ator - meaning

(Pronounced: Fel-ton-aye-tor)

A Feltonator refers to actor Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy in "Harry Potter" as simply calling him "Tom Felton" is not enough.

This is because he:
1. Has blonde hair with an English accent.
2. Eats pizza in foreign countries.
3. Has a wand in his pants (or pocket).

He is also secretly evil as he swoons young female "Harry Potter" fans off their feet by simply existing.

I can't wait til HP 7! Tom Felton is such a Felton-ator!

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Ator - definition

The highest level of awesome imaginable.

I would like a wendys bacon ator with extra ator.

Lemon is ator.

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