Definder - what does the word mean?

What is assal?

Girls shaking their asses provocatively.

"Damn, that video had a lot of assalation."
"I see you baby, shaking that ass."

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assal - meme gif

assal meme gif

assal - video


Assal - what is it?

Assal is a short girl she is Middle Eastern thick in the ass and tits very nice and sweet girl one of the funniest people you will ever meet she has low temper don’t mess with her head πŸ₯°

Assal is a Middle Eastern girl

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What does "assal" mean?

Of or pertaining to the ass in its entirety.

Anal is to anus as assal is to ass

Assal horizontology

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Assal - what does it mean?

a really short girl with big boobs who is extremely hot and i wanna make out with her.

that girl is the best assal i have ever seen.

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