Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ass bass?

the most vulgar term that can cause 9.0 earthquakes across the world

omg who dropped their hotdog?
what the frick frack dick slap pussy ass buttcrack lackback stupidass cupid last cast best ass less bass is this stupid shit
boy watch your mouth before i frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac out of you!!

👍41 👎17

ass bass - video


Ass bass - what is it?

1. The funky sound generated by advanced slapping techniques on a basss guitar. Made awesome by Flea, the Red Hot Chili Peppers bass guitarist.

2. Funky ass bass riff

1. Add a little lust to the funky ass flea bass.

2. Lay down some of that funky ass flea bass.

👍87 👎51

What does "ass bass" mean?

The condition of breaking wind profusely after drinking a quantity of Real Ale. After the once common British Bitter brand,probably only because of the easy rhyme though,rather than that beers effects over any other.(Pedigree is far worse for one!)

God that stinks, you have Bass Ass!

👍81 👎35

Ass bass - what does it mean?

The ability of being ultimately superior in the human female species by having the ability and skill to diss anyone who questions your authority with the utmost ultimate come backs that hits them so hard that makes mike Tyson looks like a two arm amputee. As well as the ability to twerk and slut drop with absolute Ferness and percision that Nikki Minaja looks like a flat assed plank of wood.

Girl: “you got nothing Bitch!”

Bad ass bass boss bitch: “girl! Imma come at you like a bag of cocks and your gonna receive me like a satchel of vaginas!” (Slut drops and twerks out of room like a bad ass bass boss bitch)

👍33 👎27

Ass bass - meaning

When you take a shit so large you hold it up and take a picture with it.

My dad sent me a picture of the ass bass he caught.

👍29 👎15

Ass bass - definition

When she slams down on your dick so hard the vibrations of her huge ass carry to your ears making you hear a low note.

Yeah man, dat booty is as good as it looks. The ass bass was craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy man

👍61 👎21

Ass bass - slang

insult; to make offense; someone who has genitals that are so big that no one wants them and they have to have anal sex with tehmself.

nick: omg this feels great to bad nobod can enjoy it with me.
steck: u are an ass bass!

👍43 👎191

Ass bass

A fart that makes a deep booming noise like a subwoofer.

The following is an example of ass bass:
Person 1: "Damn the subwoofer on this sound system is amazing."
Person 2: Nah, actually that was me. I just farted.

👍43 👎21

Ass bass

A fart that makes a deep booming noise like a subwoofer.

The following is an example of ass bass:
Person 1: "Damn the subwoofer on this sound system is amazing."
Person 2: Nah, actually that was me. I just farted.

👍5109 👎587