Definder - what does the word mean?

What is anastasia's?

Anastasia She is drop dead gorgeous. She has a face of an angel and Aphrodite's body.

She is a Greek Goddess after all. However, the most important thing about this

girl is that she is down to earth, never brags about her looks and she is very caring

and compassionate about others. She's a lovely Angel inside out.

Christiano- Anastasia is drop dead gorgeous
Phillip- She is a Greek Goddess

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anastasia's - meme gif

anastasia's meme gif

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Anastasia's - what is it?

a beautiful, happy, hyper girl. Who can make you smile/laugh no matter what mood your in. She is an amazing ingeneral. Loves to be affectionate to anyone that is feeling down. Always there for you even if your a itch to here.

Anastasia makes me smile everyday.
She should be more like Anastasia.

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What does "anastasia's" mean?

She is perfect. You have never seen such a beautiful girl in the universe. She takes your breath away, and she is the light in every room. Usually Russian, she is a frisky hard-to-get girl. Make sure to meet her expectations because she is simply stunning and to die for.

Damnnn Anastasia is the most beautiful of all the Russian girls.

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Anastasia's - what does it mean?

Anastasia is a beautiful amazing girl and is a real life example of an angel. Hanging out with Anastasia is a privilege and dating her is a miracle. If you ever find yourself with Anastasia you are the luckiest man alive

Wow Anastasia is the best

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Anastasia's - meaning

She will make you fall head I've heels for her.She is one of the best girls your ever meet. She is sweet, kind, smart and has a great personality and is always happy. She is one of the prettiest girls your now. Your never forget her and you will always remember her.

Anastasia is the best

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Anastasia's - definition

She is the prettiest girl in the world. She has a stunning face and a gorgeous body. Unfortunately, women judge her because of her un-intented seduction of men in her presence. What will really amaze you is the fact that she is humble and has a very gentle heart. She is kind of shy. On top of all that she is loyal as well unless if she is in a troubled relation and she needs to find a way out. However, she won't cheat. She will clarify things and move on. She is decent but some guys unfortunately can't give the time she needs...and they loose her. I've been one of them. My punnishment is that I will regret it for the rest of my life. If you thing you will move on and find someone else you just fooling yourself. How many chances do you thing you have to find someone so special again?

- Christiano: Anastasia I remember you still...If only you knew...

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Anastasia's - slang

Anastasia is a girl who probably Greek and absolutely stunning always. She will never let you down. You can tell her anything and never have to worry about her telling your secrets. She is the most trustworthy person you will ever meet. She doesn't let the negative shit get in her head, she is strong and independent and also very indecisive. indecisive people tend to be annoying sometimes but not Anastasia's its so funny how they can't choose some things like for example food! they can never choose what to eat. Its so funny. If you ever meet an Anastasia make sure to talk to her. She will be the cutest thing you've ever met trust me.

"oh hey i heard that's Anastasia"
"shes gorgeous and i heard shes the most trusting person ever"
"i'm gonna talk to her!"

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Perfect in every way possible, an Anastasia will always be there for you, she's caring, funny, considerate, and drop dead gorgeous. If you ever get the chance to date an Anastasia, don't ever let her go. Anastasias tend to get hurt but are very forgiving and understanding. Love them as much as possible

Guy1: Hey how was your date with Anastasia?

Guy2: Incredible, I think im in love dude

Guy1: Don't fuck up you know what she's been through

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the most stunning person u will ever look at

omg look at the most beautiful person ever, anastasia

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the best most awesome friend you will ever find. If you find an Anastasia make sure you become part of her life. She will always be there for you, and she helps you deal with things. She is hilarious and will cheer you up when ever she can. She’s loud and crazy but in a good way. So, if you find an Anastasia make sure you keep her in your life, you’ll be really lucky.

Dude:yo Anastasia is a dope friend don’t let her go
Broski: Ik man Ik
Dude: good

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