Definder - what does the word mean?

What is alishia?

Where sluts called Alishia go on a Friday afternoon. Some Alishias go on Wednesday as well if they are feeling frisky. Dress code for badminton is: 'slutty goes far in life'. The motto for Alishias badminton slut club as said by Alishia A herself "the sluttier the better".

Girl UL: Alishia can I come to the badminton slut club??
Alishia the badminton slut(president of club): yeah sure you can - we can make anyone into a slut within a matter of a few sessions

👍61 👎41

alishia - meme gif

alishia meme gif

alishia - video


Alishia - what is it?

Dramtic bitch. Nice but not funny .sings alot

U are such an alishia

👍53 👎33

What does "alishia" mean?

The definition of beauty. To be a perfect 10. Synonymous with dime piece. The level of Alishia is nearly unattainable.

That girl is a total Alishia! (Most likely false.)
You are an 8 on the scale of 1 to Alishia (10).
Man, I wish I could find me an Alishia.

👍569 👎179