Definder - what does the word mean?

What is air quote?

someone who thinks that air quotes are used for real things and doesnt get the saracsm

dude, she though i was going to attack her!
she's just a person who doesn't get air quotes. she doesnt understand the quotes around "poke"

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air quote - video


Air quote - what is it?

Similar to the standard air quotes gesture however you use the Spock hand formation and only use it to describe scientific or technical quotes.

I would have called bullshit on his string theory explanation however he did use Spock air quotes so Iā€™m pretty sure he is correct.

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What does "air quote" mean?

phrases, originally spoken by other usually famous people, that are wrongly used by dumb and unoriginal wiseguys. some even get the quotes wrong

"as God always used to say", said the armed lunatic, "JUDGEMENTDAY!!!"

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Air quote - what does it mean?

Another term for a fart, usually used to voice an opinion regarding a topic of conversation (see example sentence).

Oh yeah, well I've got an air quote for ya: bbrrrrrrpppp...

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Air quote - meaning

where the males fingers are inserted into the females vagina, often a pleasurable experience. this phrase was invented in RUSHDEN.

'my boyfriend gave me air quotes last night'

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Air quote - definition

The act of placing your hands outstretch from either side of your head and making a peace sign that bends up and down within the fingers while using a corporate buzzword.

Sarcastic Employee: "Well, that's very AIR QUOTE LEFT pro-active AIR QUOTE RIGHT of you."
Ubiquitous Marketer: "See synergy."

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Air quote - slang

when whilst you are saying something, you hold your the pointer and middle fingers of yoru hands up in the air curled as if to make quotation marks as if to make the thing you said sound peculiar or strange. also used as a taunt.

Martha: wow, its been six years since i have seen you, whatever happened to your (air quotes) band?

Fred: hey! we turned out some really good stuff on our first CD!

Martha: fred, your (air quotes) band was only six guys and some italian stew pots.

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Air quote

Using two fingers on each hand to indicate a word or phrase is in quotes. Generally used to indicate irony, sarcasm, or derision.

Adam repeated John's statement, but used air-quotes when he reached "legend".

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Air quote

little bunny ears made with the fingers that indicate that:
1) you're quoting someone else
2) you're being sarcastic
3) you still think the "la-sers" thing from austin powers is funny.

'hey look guys! he's got a "la-ser"!! hahaha! ain't that great!!!'

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Air quote

In conversation, the dual flexing of the index and middle finger of both hands, to signify the presence of scare quotes. Used ad nauseam by 'pretentious' and ostensibly 'intelligent' university students, to advertise their 'superior morals' and 'erudition'.

Using air quotes in this example is, like, so 'post-modern'.

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