Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aidenn?

Aidenn is a guy you always want by your side he will be there when you are sad. When you need a person who loves you he will be the first person there. The name means Paradise which means they are the person you feel happy with. They also have a somiking

Jeez that guy is one aidenn.

👍27 👎17

aidenn - video


Aidenn - what is it?

A name to a guy with a bad temper but sweet heart. Social and loveable. Oh, and girls drool all over him.
Found in Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" originally meaning "paradise" ---which is what you get when you look into this soulful man's eyes.
Eventually will be your soul mate.

I have met my Aidenn

👍89 👎45