Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aeo?

when you eat a cracker and shit yourself while drinking milk

"dude did you just aeo"
"yeah ):"

👍25 👎11

aeo - meme gif

aeo meme gif

aeo - video


Aeo - what is it?

Acronym for "At Every Opportunity"

They bring up their digestive issues, AEO.

👍25 👎17

What does "aeo" mean?

A group of beautiful, amazing, fun, cute, sexy girls that have crazy adventures and awsome good times.And they have ph. Together unofficially since 2003, the group was named AEO in early 2006!

Sally: Why do those girls have henna tatoos and doing war cries??

Amber: Because she's in AEO. Wow i'm jealous, she's amazing.

Sally: You're right, i wish we were as amazing as them.

👍27 👎45

Aeo - what does it mean?

"Annual Elf Orgy" A once a year event occurring upon Santa's return from his Iconic world gift giving trip every December, 24th.

In 2017, Santa returned home after a grueling 48 hour, 40,000 mile trip of which his only anticipated rewarded was having the littles worship his old, snow topped, chimney; but on this day, he returned to only find the AEO had started prior to his arrival.

👍27 👎17

Aeo - meaning

1. An annoying internet user.
2. Sort of in touch with his feminin side, and likes strong men with ripped t-shirts.
3. Don't like women unless their abit manly.

Man he looks like an Aeos.

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Aeo - definition

Anti Emo Offensive People who hate emos

"Yeah, those goth lads are in the AEO"

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Aeo - slang

One of the best Leaders around

Aeos has pwned Nixxon

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Aeo meaning "Hello" often followed with "Bouyo".
Comes from the words "Hey, yo" which eventually evolved into the one word, "Aeo".
By dropping the H, and putting the Y's together, it looked like 'eyo' which was pronounced "Ay Oh" and was simply spelled the new way, A E O.

Bouyo isn't ment to mean anything other then to represent the person being spoken to.

"Aeo, bouyo!"
"Aeo, m'bouyo!"

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American Eagle Outfitters - clothing brand

That AEO t-shirt is cool.

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A group of beautiful, amazing, fun, cute, sexy girls that have crazy adventures and awsome good times.And they have ph. Together unofficially since 2003, the group was named AEO in early 2006!

Sally: Why do those girls have henna tatoos and doing war cries??

Amber: Because she's in AEO. Wow i'm jealous, she's amazing.

Sally: You're right, i wish we were as amazing as them.

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