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What is a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP?

a not-so-nice way of telling someone to be quiet

How about a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up?

👍137 👎41

a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP - video


A nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP - what is it?

BE QUIET ! and stay quiet

1st guy: "Hey dude, can you come out after dark tonight, I mean remember when your mom wouldn't let you go out after 9pm last week, ha ha ha ha !, how you ever gonna pull a girl like that"

2nd guy: "Dude, let me explain, but first lets sit down and have a nice big cup of shut the fuck up"!

👍325 👎99

What does "a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP" mean?

One of many things to say to someone that needs to stop talking nonsense or bothering you.

I told those loud-mouthin fat-ass black chicks to have a nice cup of shut the fuck up. I was surprised when they actually tried to.

👍239 👎53

A nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP - what does it mean?

A way of saying "Shut the fuck up", usually used in Internet forums.

"How about a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

👍807 👎179

A nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP - meaning

A phrase used after someone has said something annoying, boring or just not adequate for the moment.
It needs to be said with a specialy strong tone in the last two words.

-hey, do you have a hangover? Ok then im goin to shout at you in the face
(Annoying friend shouts)
-why dont you take a nice cup of shut the fuck up?

👍79 👎33