Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a HOt mess?

Someone or Something that is such a mess... the level of it, is off of the charts. It's past pathetic, past pitiful. It's to the point you almost have to walk away to keep from bustin a gut. Hot messes can exist in levels.

i.e. Hot Mess, Hot Fuckin Mess

Oh my God, y'all a HOT MESS!

👍2221 👎2231

a HOt mess - video


A HOt mess - what is it?

A person who's physically/sexually very attractive, but an emotional/psychological disaster area. Extremely charismatic in short bursts; typically but not necessarily great in the sack; impossible to live with. Male Patron Saint: Tom Cruise. Female Patron Saint: Lindsay Lohan/Winona Ryder (tie).

"Did you see those side boob pics of LiLo going into rehab?"

"She looked great in court, too. Man, she is one hot mess."

👍175 👎127

What does "a HOt mess" mean?

When someone's life is a mess but they are still super hot.

Britney Spears is a Hot Mess.

👍2261 👎2073

A HOt mess - what does it mean?

a derogatory term describing a situation, behavior, appearance, etc. that is disastrously bad. Think "faux pas" but times ten. Possible origin is literal (think, steaming dogpile).

"She got up on stage and tried to sing Beyonce's "Dangerously In Love" but her performance was a hot mess."

"Girl came in to school this morning looking a hot mess, her hair all jacked up and slouchin' in house shoes."

👍5729 👎5365

A HOt mess - meaning

An attractive person, generally female, that repeatedly engages in situations which could negatively impact his or her social, mental, societal, and legal reputation. Examples include, repeated and excessive alcohol and/or drug consumption, a habit of being ejected from drinking establishments, a general disregard for the law concerning public safety, petty theft from convenience stores/supermarkets, and a voice that is about 3 decibels louder than everyone else.

Friend: Wanna hang out with **** tonight?
You: You know, I love her to death but she's such a hot mess when she drinks

Friend: I just can't get that chick out of my head. I mean, I know she's a total hot mess, but I dig it.
You: Beware

👍2409 👎2077

A HOt mess - definition

A state of disarray so chaotic that it's dizzying to look at. A mess that is beyond the normal range of disarray. Visual clutter that draws attention to itself.

When the Project Runway contestant showed a garment made out of multicolored plush animals tied together with yarn, Heide Klum declared, "It's a hot mess!"

👍1103 👎723

A HOt mess - slang

A person who is a handful, he/she is a piece of work, and or a colorful character.

Don is a hot mess! He's cantankerous, cranky and onery.

👍1989 👎1319

A HOt mess

A person, usually (but not necessarily) a woman, who is extremely attractive and dresses well, but has serious personality flaws that would make an actual relationship with them challenging.

Yeah, my ex is gorgeous and looks great in that Versace dress, but she called the cops every time I didn't text her back right away. That bitch is a hot mess.

👍193 👎95

A HOt mess

Defined, "hot messes" refers to when a "person's appearance is in a state of total disarray while still maintaining an undeniable attractiveness" & allure.

Hot messes' are appealing for a variety of reasons, most notably because they're generally unexpected, capricious, & agonizingly provocative. Additionally, numerous contingent factors make duplication rare and continual repetition virtually impossible.

No one set of guidelines can perpetually determine what distinguishes a "hot mess" from an above-average train wreck. Regardless of the circumstances, you know it when you see it; because they are typically conspicuous, and obviously they are always awesome.

**The term "hot mess" can also characterize a unique setting or situation, although in this context the usage parameters become more difficult to quantify.

Justin: "Did you see Molly this morning? We partied all night and she ended up passing out on the lawn."
Eric: "Yea, she came in this morning to find the rest of her clothes. She looked terrible, and awesome."
Justin: "Damn, hot messes' like that don't come around very often."

👍1597 👎819

A HOt mess

When ones thoughts or appearance are in a state of disarray but they maintain an undeniable attractiveness or beauty.

Although Nichole had just awaken, her boyfriend thought she was stunning - she was a hot mess.

👍31221 👎10631