Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a Good night's?

An expression of surprise, shock, or exclamation can be shortened to just "good night!"

A southern expression.

Synonyms: wow dang

"Good night a livin she finally found it!"

"Boy is it stinky in here! Good night!"

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a Good night's - video


A Good night's - what is it?

Often uttered on, Slashdot, and other comment-enabled news sites whenever a celebrity, more often than not a comedian, passes on.

"SAD: Chris Farley is Dead."
"Good night funnyman."

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What does "a Good night's" mean?

To have drank so much/become so intoxicated that you pass out.

Michael drank a good night; he went down and didn't come up for the rest of the night!

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A Good night's - what does it mean?

to indirectly say you want to goose a carrottop until they bleed

Shelly said good night to me...but really she wants me up the butt.

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A Good night's - meaning

A spliff or joint which is smoked before going to bed to help the smoker go to sleep.

Sorry I can't sell you any of my stash. I've only got enough for my good night.

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A Good night's - definition

When someone wants to make you feel guilty for telling them to go to bed.

John: Goodnight dear

Stacy: Good night

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A Good night's - slang


"Good night, sexy."
"Goodnight, dumbass."

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A Good night's

What you say in a text message when you are done texting that person for the evening.

Alright, i'm going to bed! Good Night!

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A Good night's

A good night is when the lady you just had sex with calls you up and tells you shes not pregnant.

Nate-So did she call you again
LS-Yup nate its a good night

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A Good night's

What you just had obviously, who else would look this up on urbandictionary?

It's 7:44am and I just got back from a great night at the club where I met a Rap Producer, got with 3 hot chicks and got 2 of them's numbers, smoked a good bowl and then got home safe to get on urbandictionary to add my own definition of A Good Night

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