Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zimmerman's?

When a Caucasian man, Peruvian man, and Mexican man all ejaculate onto an underage African-American girl's chest, then get away with it in the end.

"Bro, did you see the video of Jose, Steve, and Dominique jizzing all over Falkwisha's chest? They didn't even get charged!They did The Zimmerman!"

👍33 👎19

Zimmerman's - meme gif

Zimmerman's meme gif

Zimmerman's - video


Zimmerman's - what is it?

The act of starting a fight with a person of lower social or ethnic status and then deploying a weapon, claiming self-defense afterwards.
Can be done by any clean cut person with a minimal criminal record, provided the lesser person can be deemed a worse person.
Named after George Zimmerman, a white Hispanic/German-American and son of a judge who successfully chased and killed a black teenager coming home from the store with a bag of skittles, and was found not guilty by means of self defense because the teen fought back.

Judge's Son: Hey what are you doing on my street?! (gun in hand)
Minority: Why are you following me cracker?
Judge's Son: Watch how you talk to me or I'll pull a Zimmerman on you.

👍159 👎221

What does "Zimmerman's" mean?

A small dog

Zimmerman! Get over here.

👍35 👎17

Zimmerman's - what does it mean?

A substance mixed with shit, piss, and other dioblikal substances, mixed into a container or bottle and who shall add on to the z sauce is automatically a good sir

The Zimmerman was zesty and fulfilled my stomach.

👍37 👎21

Zimmerman's - meaning

To send naked pictures of yourself to untrustworthy peoples who will, in theory, send them all over the school.
To spread sexts to everyone in your contacts list.

That girl just zimmermanned me last night. Who should I send the pics to next?
Everyone is Zimmermanning those pics of Kylie!
I can't believe he Zimmermanned me!

👍51 👎31

Zimmerman's - definition

To take down a lethal threat using deadly force. Become a hero by killing a criminal

I just saved a guy, pulled a Zimmerman.

Can't simmer the zimmer.

👍223 👎237

Zimmerman's - slang

1. When you're beating the brains out of somebody, and they pull a gun and shoot you, you got Zimmermanned.

or 2. When you defend your life while someone's beating you and threatening death by pulling out a gun and shooting. This self-defense is followed by arrest and verbal threats and attacks by criminal gangs and their supportive thugs in the government and media.

1. This pudgy cracker was following me, so I hid behind a bush and jumped him when he turned his back.
I was bustin his head on the concrete when he went and shot me. Shit, I got Zimmermanned!

2. "I did what I had to do to stay alive, but then I got Zimmermanned by Rev Al and the Foodstampers."

👍57 👎35


(verb) to stalk and terrorize an individual while carrying a loaded weapon until a confrontation ensues, shoot that person dead, then walk away claiming self-defense.

I did not like the look of that person walking through my neighborhood at night so I zimmermaned him.

👍553 👎657


Zimmerman (Past-tense: Zimmerman'd) - to provoke a physical altercation resulting in killing the target in self-defense; To provoke a fist-fight and shoot the opponent in self-defense;

1:"Did you hear about the shooting on Broadside & the Tollway?"
2:"Yeah, man, that guy got totally Zimmerman'd."
1:"Hey, he acted in self-defense! That other guy was a punk and hit him first."

1:"Honey, look, there's a guy in a hoodie walking down the block."
2:"Is he black?"
1:"I don't know but I'm scared, what should we do?"
2:"Where's my pistol, baby? I'm going to have to Zimmerman this one, be ready to call 911."

👍197 👎183


The act of asking a random and inappropriate question resulting in a heinously awkward situation.

Dude, she just pulled a zimmerman on me and asked if I thought she was loose.

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