Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zemen?

The epitome of awesome. He who has ascended to a level beyond the reach of his rivals.

The world record has just been beaten by the newly appointed Zemener.

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Zemen - meme gif

Zemen meme gif

Zemen - video


Zemen - what is it?

Cool guy. Defenitely not a nazi!

Look there's Zemen. He's not a nazi.

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What does "Zemen" mean?

Big ass dick lady's love him and his attitude, beautiful ass culy hair funny as shit and has stupid shoe game

Yo you need to start acting like zemen

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Zemen - what does it mean?

Slur word for human

β€œOh mylanta, you’re such a zemenπŸ™„βœ‹β€

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