Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ZUCK?

The act of creating deliberately confusing jargon and user-interfaces which trick your users into sharing more info about themselves than they really want to

That user-interface totally zuckered me into sharing 50 wedding photos. That kinda zucks

👍181 👎73

ZUCK - meme gif

ZUCK meme gif

ZUCK - video


ZUCK - what is it?

When Mark Zuckerberg tries to inhibit your free speech because he doesn't agree with your opinion whether it be politics, or life.

I was on facebook and found out I got Zucked

👍81 👎25

What does "ZUCK" mean?

(v) the act of building up something, which later becomes a massive letdown

Buying Facebook stock totally zucked!

Jim fixed me up with a hot chick, then did her the next morning, which is why Jim zucks!

John spent the day zucking everyone out of their life savings, with that ponzi scheme.

👍53 👎15

ZUCK - what does it mean?

1. (n.) A term referring to the rejection and resistance of the popular social network known as Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

2. (v.) The act of deleting one's Facebook account.

Non-Facebooker: "So, I finally decided to delete my Facebook account and it feels great!"
Facebooker: "It's like you told Facebook to suck-it!"
Non-Facebook: "It's more like I told Facebook to Zuck it!"

👍59 👎17

ZUCK - meaning

A male leader of the Lizards

Guy 1: That Zuck over there is a real cutie.
Guy 2: Ya pretty much, he owns Facebook and is the leader of the lizards.

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ZUCK - definition

Screwing over your friend in any situation, especially in amount exceeding one billion dollars.

Oh s#*t man, you got zucked"

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ZUCK - slang

pimple faced little twat who steals ideas for his website and gets billions of dollars for it, not giving any credit for the people he steals from

dude , you are such a the zuck for stealing my search engine

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To be banned from facebook for posting controversial or offensive things.

"Dude did you hear Justin got Zucked?"

:No shit, what for!:

"He said that being obese is a disease in a thread with feminists!"

:Ouch. Zucked for thirty days, I take it?:

👍567 👎119


non listener
someone who is incapable of understanding what they hear

reuben is a zuck. he wrote down the wrong words.

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An internet term for IDIOT. Also, rhymes with buck, cuck, duck, f^ck, guck, huck, muck, puck, suck, stuck and yuck

Joe: What do you think of Mark ?
Ben: That dude is a ZUCK
Joe: You got that right, brah !

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